What documents and information do I need when purchasing a property in Spain?
04.05.2024Do you want to buy a property in Spain and not lose time in your search process? Then ask your real estate agent the right questions before your visit... this way you save time and useless visits if it turns out that the house is not 100% legal.
- What is the year of construction of the main house?
- What is the Cadastral reference of the property?
- Was the main home legally built? Yes, Not completely legal, No, Expired, Unknown
- Does the main home comply with the municipality's current zoning plan? Yes, No, Not fully compliant, Unknown
- Have all extensions, garage, outdoor kitchen, swimming pool, etc. been built legally? Yes, Not completely, legal, No, Expired, Unknown
- Do all extensions, garage, outdoor kitchen, swimming pool comply with the current zoning plan of the municipality? Yes, Not completely, legal, No, Expired, Unknown
- On the basis of which documents were the previous questions answered? License from the municipality showing that the property was built with a permit and may be occupied, Nota Simple, Certificación catastral, Final de obra, Certificado de no existencia de infracción, Ficha urbanística, Plan general de ordenación urbanística local (PGOU), Normas subsidiarias locales, Certificado de antigüedad, Resolución de AFO, SAFO, DAFO, Escritura de obra nueva
- What is the energy label (EPC) of the main home? Unknown, EPC has officially being issued by edificioseficientes.gob.es/es, EPC is estimated, A, B, C, D, E, F, G
- What infrastructure has the main home? Mains electricity, Mains water, Mains Sewage system, Septic Tank, Gas, Internet, Heating, etc..
Request these documents from the real estate agent or selling party before you reserve a home and sign a reservation document. You can use our form (Formatted in English so that almost every real estate agent in Spain understands it). https://forms.office.com/r/vXM94tya4s?origin=lprLink